Children who have been abandoned by their parents have unique needs and vulnerabilities. These children often feel a sense of rejection, inadequacy, and damage. Among the negative effects of abandonment is the belief that it’s not OK to be angry, to show emotion, or to have needs. These beliefs were instilled in them by their abusive parents when they were young, and they often crave attention only from the parent that abandoned them.
Although children can no longer deny the reality of abandonment, they are acutely aware of their pain. Boys often mourn the loss of their fathers and feel angry towards their mothers. Other common behaviors include crying, daydreaming, and difficulty with school or friends. Some of these children are emotionally and physically damaged. This can cause them to feel isolated and resentful towards others. Even if the children are able to cope, many of them are unable to achieve in school.
Legal abandonment is a form of child neglect that occurs when the non-custodial parent doesn’t fulfill his or her financial obligations for the child. Since the 1970s, the issue of child abandonment has gained increased attention. Most single-parent families are facing substantial poverty due to the failure of the non-custodial parent to provide the financial support the child needs. There is an emotional component to this neglect as well, and children who have experienced abandonment often experience high levels of it.
One study conducted in La Paz, Bolivia focused on 124 street children. The study area consisted of four main sections of the city and was composed of about seven kilometers of street space. The children lived there at night. The researchers used statistical analysis to determine whether there were significant gender differences. If there were any differences, the study did not provide answers for the problem. This is because the results were not able to pinpoint the cause of these differences.
The study included children that were voluntarily admitted to an orphanage from the streets. These children had been excluded from other programs because they were not referred by their families. Despite these limitations, the study was an important addition to knowledge about the lives of children in the street. In addition to providing care, these children were also willing to participate in the study. The findings are important for those looking to adopt a child. But in the end, these children are still vulnerable to being abused or abandoned.