Children’s rights are those that every child is born with and that are recognised by governments worldwide. They include the right to life, health and education. They also include the right to freedom of expression and the right not to be harmed in any way. The children’s rights movement aims to make sure that governments protect all children, especially those in state care.
Children have the right to speak freely on issues that affect them, and adults should listen to them and take them seriously. They can do this by talking, writing, drawing or by joining groups and organisations, as long as they don’t harm other people. Children can choose their own thoughts, opinions and religion, and parents should guide them so that they learn to properly use this right.
Everyone has the right to live, and this includes being protected from hunger, violence, neglect and exploitation. Children must have access to enough food, clean water and shelter. They must also have access to good health care and education so that they can grow into healthy adults.
When it comes to children’s rights, everyone should be on board – from governments, to businesses and companies, to schools and educational institutions, and of course, to parents and families. The best way to ensure that everyone knows their rights is to educate them, which is why Amnesty International has teamed up with Angelina Jolie to produce a free online children’s rights course.
The most important right that children have is the right to be alive. Governments should do everything they can to make sure that all children survive and thrive, and that they have the best chance of achieving their full potential.
Every child has the right to an identity – an official record of who they are, which includes their name and nationality. They must never have this taken away, unless it is in their best interests and following a judicial procedure. Children also have the right to privacy – the right not to be invaded or criticised by other people, including the media.
All children have the right to rest and leisure. They should be able to spend time with their friends and family, and take part in cultural activities such as sports or music, as well as learning about their culture and language. They must also have the right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly. Children must be protected from commercial exploitation, and from the illegal sale or distribution of pornographic images or performances.
All children have the right to a safe home, and this should include being protected from abuse, neglect, violence or exploitation. Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children, and where they cannot do this, it is the duty of the State to help them. Children have the right not to be separated from their parents, unless this is in their best interests and by following a judicial procedure. They also have the right to be accompanied by an adult when visiting public places.