Children Rights

People who want to protect children need a clear set of rules to help them. These are called children rights and they are agreed internationally by governments. They tell adults how they should treat children. They are written in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Every country must agree to it. The UNCRC is a collection of 54 articles that explain how countries can make sure that all children can enjoy their rights. It includes what governments, families and other people should do to make sure that children are safe and happy. The UNCRC also sets out ways that children can complain if their rights are not being respected.

All adults must respect children’s rights and should do what they can to ensure that all children are protected from violence and abuse. They should always consider how their actions will affect children when making decisions. This is especially important when they are with other adults, such as parents, teachers or doctors.

Adults should also make sure that children have a safe environment to live in and enough food to eat. They should provide them with good education so that they can be healthy and happy. They should also give children the chance to play and take part in cultural and creative activities. This is especially important for children who live in countries with war or other problems.

Children should be protected from work that is dangerous or bad for their health, such as mining, working in factories or cleaning houses. They should also be protected from sexual exploitation and abuse, such as being forced to have sex for money or made to make pornographic pictures of themselves. Governments should make sure that all children have access to medicines and healthcare when they need it. They should also help children with disabilities to get the care and support they need.

Governments should make it easier for parents to care for their children. They should not separate them unless there is a very good reason. They should also make sure that children can stay in touch with their family and friends, even if they move away. If children cannot be looked after by their own parents, they should be cared for by people who respect their religion, culture and language. Governments should also try to find permanent homes for them as quickly as possible.

One of the main things that children need is to be able to express their opinions and have them listened to. This is a key part of the UNCRC and it includes the right to education, the right to information and the right to be involved in all decisions that affect them. This means that children can talk to their parents, teachers or other adults about what is happening to them.

Children should be able to get legal advice and help when they are being treated unfairly. They should not be jailed or have their lives ruined by drugs. They should also be able to contact their families and have their complaints heard by the people who run their countries.