Children’s rights are a fundamental human right. Children’s rights are being violated all over the world on a daily basis. Around 290 million children do not have their births registered. This deprives them of proof of existence and legal identity, which is vital for their education, health care, and even employment opportunities. They are often abandoned by their parents, deprived of an education and healthcare, or even worse, denied the right to work when they are older.
In Palestine, the Israeli army regularly arrests Palestinian children and raids their homes while they are sleeping. Children are deprived of access to education and freedom of movement due to barriers that prevent them from getting to school. Children are also denied access to healthcare and medical care due to the military occupation of their land. In addition, children are often deprived of their right to peaceful protest. Children’s voices are often ignored, but they are increasingly speaking out in their quest for social justice.
Governments must take steps to protect children from being removed from their parents unless it is for their own good. Children living in different countries should be able to migrate freely between countries and have direct contact with both parents. Governments must take appropriate measures to prevent the illegal removal of children. Children have the right to express their opinions, receive information, and impart ideas to others. Governments must also respect their rights to freedom of religion and conscience. Further, governments must provide access to educational material that is appropriate for their age and gender.
Every child has the right to privacy. Privacy online is a fundamental right for children. Privacy laws must protect children’s personal data and privacy on the Internet. It is also important to ensure that personal documentation pertaining to children is kept confidential. Personal information, such as their home and family, should not be published. Children abused by their parents’ names or faces should never be exposed to the public. The right to culture is another important right for children.
In addition to their rights to health and education, children also have the right to practise their religion. Furthermore, children have the right to choose their religion and practice their language. They also have the right to rest, engage in play and recreational activities, and participate in cultural life. It is important to protect children from sexual exploitation. And, of course, the right to education cannot be overstated. All of these rights should be promoted by governments in order to create a better society for children.
Despite the obvious importance of education for children, it is often neglected. While children do have specific rights, they are vulnerable to threats and exclusions. Their rights have been incorporated into international law in the form of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols. The latter, which covers issues such as child pornography and armed conflict, sets up an international complaints mechanism for children’s rights. It also helps children’s rights to be respected in all contexts, regardless of age and maturity.