Bulgaria is a mountainous country with fertile valleys. Its coastline lies along the Black Sea. It is a member of the European Union. It has a multiparty parliamentary system, and the head of state is elected by the parliament. The constitution of 1991 provides for free elections with universal adult suffrage. The government is composed of the Council of Ministers, which is chaired by the prime minister.
The language of Bulgaria is Bulgarian. It is an Indo-European language. It is one of the official languages of the European Union. There slot online are also other languages spoken in Bulgaria, such as Turkish. A small minority speaks Romany, a language of the Indo-European language family. There are also Gypsies, who speak a language that is a blend of Romanian and Turkish.
The national media in Bulgaria uses Bulgarian. However, there are some radio broadcasts in Turkish. Most people use Bulgarian as the medium of instruction in schools. Many NGOs, which are non-profit organizations, are created by urban professionals and rely on financial support from non-Bulgarian sources. A few NGOs are located in the rural areas.
The population of Bulgaria is made up of ethnic Bulgarians, Muslims, and other minorities. Most ethnic Bulgarians belong to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, although there are some Protestants and Gypsies. A small number of ethnic Bulgarians are Catholic. The country’s economy was based on agriculture and light manufacturing enterprises before World War II. After World War II, Bulgaria began a process of moving toward political democracy. It joined the European Union in 2007. In 2004, it became a member of NATO.
The ancestry of most ethnic Bulgarians is traced back to the merging of Bulgars and Slavs. Bulgarians are generally realistic about their people and are not influenced by political correctness. They are also humane and deeply concerned about the environment. There are many environmental groups, but mass mobilization around environmental issues has decreased due to the difficult economic situation.
Agricultural activities continue to play a major role in the economy. Bulgaria’s most important trading partners are Italy, Germany, and the Russian Federation. Its major export categories include chemicals, machinery, textiles, and electronics. The government also focuses on food production. The economy is dominated by households, and two wage earners are often needed to support an urban household. The government tries to combat corruption and unemployment.
Bulgarians are generally monogamous. Most couples have one or two children. The choice of a spouse is usually a result of a family pressure. A couple’s religious ceremony may be arranged. In addition, close relatives are not considered suitable marriage partners. Women often occupy less frequently than men, and women are typically the primary caretaker for the household. They can have considerable authority over the household’s budgeting, and often take part in decisions involving the agricultural industry.
A large proportion of the unemployed is female. This is due in part to the socialist ideology of gender equality, which leads to lower paying jobs for women.