The Psychological Effects of Child Abandonment
As children get older, they can no longer deny their pain or ignore the reality of being abandoned. Their sense of shame and hurt are more acute than ever. Boys mourn their fathers and are angry at their mothers. They cry, daydream, and have problems with school and their friends. In some cases, these children are transported to orphanages or strangers’ homes. In some cases, a child may never come home. These are some of the most painful experiences of an abandoned child’s life.
The majority of neglected and abandoned children grow up to be adolescent girls. In the nineteenth century, ragamuffins were a common sight on the streets of London. In 1987, the United Nations estimated that over 60 million children worldwide were abandoned by their parents, and the United States alone reported that 7,000 children were left homeless every year. While the number of abandoned children may seem small, the effect can be profound.
The psychological effects of abandonment are often overlooked by most people. These children can be severely neglected, including being physically and mentally abused. Aside from being neglected and deprived of adequate nutrition and clothing, they may also experience feelings of deep anger and resentment. Among other signs, an abandoned child may suffer from chronic fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and self-blame. During the teenage years, they tend to worry about their family’s financial situation, while their nine to twelve year-old counterparts are more likely to feel like a burden on the remaining parent’s time and energy.
There are many causes of child abandonment. The most common cause is poverty. A child may experience a lack of parental care due to financial difficulties or other problems. The child may be severely malnourished or be homeless, and may also have physical or emotional trauma. Depending on the circumstances of the child, they may even be suffering from severe anomalies. While child abandonment is a rare occurrence in the UK, it still is a widespread problem.
Unlike in the US, the UK does not see many cases of child abandonment. However, it does occur. In countries with strict laws, abandoned children are a serious crime. Safe haven laws protect babies from harm by allowing parents to anonymously leave their children in hospitals or orphanages. In China, baby hatches have been in use since the 1970s, and many cultures have a cultural tradition in which the mother leaves the child with the father to fend for themselves.
There are several symptoms of abandonment. For example, the child may have trouble sleeping and may develop severe aggression. Some children may suffer from depression or anxiety. Other children are unable to sleep. These children may be physically or psychologically neglected. They may be runaways. Or they may be in a foster home. No matter what the cause of abandonment, there is no guarantee that the child will survive the ordeal. But the remaining parent should be able to give the child love and care.