The Rights of Children and How to Help Them to Succeed


Children are human beings who have not reached the age of majority in their country, which is usually 18 years old. They have many rights, including the right to education, health and a safe place to live. These rights are set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Children have a lot of energy and need to be stimulated. They are eager to learn and to try new things, and they often have a good imagination. They are also less self-conscious than adults and can be more honest with their feelings. This makes it easier to make friends with them. However, children can be more easily hurt by criticism or failure than by adult mistakes. They also have less developed defense mechanisms and a harder time dealing with disappointment.

The way a person is treated as a child can influence the way they behave as an adult. If a child is not treated well, they might grow up to be withdrawn or unable to cope with stressful situations. This can lead to problems such as drug abuse and violence.

It is important to recognise that all children are different, and each one needs to be treated as an individual. The most successful teachers understand this and provide suitable learning opportunities for each student. They also give lots of praise and encouragement. This helps children feel valued and motivated to work hard.

In addition, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of what children need in order to succeed. This includes setting clear boundaries and providing regular feedback. It is also helpful to allow children to take responsibility for their actions and decisions.

It is essential to provide a safe environment for children. This means keeping them away from harmful people and preventing harm such as neglect, sexual exploitation, and trafficking. It is also important to protect children from harmful traditional practices such as female genital mutilation/cutting and child marriage.

Children need to be able to express their views freely, and it is vital that adults listen to them. Children can express their ideas in a variety of ways, including through art, writing and speech. This is their right, unless it harms other people. Children can also choose their own religion and beliefs, as long as these do not harm others.

All countries must protect children from being hurt or made to suffer, whether they are in war zones or not. They must also help children to become healthy and educated, so that they can be the best they can be. They must protect children from drugs, and prevent them being forced to have sex for money or to become involved in other kinds of illegal activities. They must also give them food, water and shelter. They must ensure that all children have the chance to go to school and get an education, whatever their background or circumstances. They must protect them from being forced to join the army or fight in wars, and they must protect them from slavery, discrimination and unfair treatment.