Children’s rights are the set of fundamental freedoms that a child must be granted. This includes the right to life, safety, education and healthcare. They must also be protected from discrimination based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability and nationality. Children are also entitled to parental care and a healthy environment.
It is important to understand that children’s rights are a human rights framework that has been developed for all people, regardless of where they live or how wealthy they are. They are based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was accepted by all nations except the United States and Somalia.
The premise behind this framework is that children are human beings who deserve the same level of moral consideration as adults and that what they experience in their childhood can affect them for the rest of their lives. This is why it is so important to ensure that every child has the same opportunities and resources to make the most of their lives.
There is no perfect time to have kids, but it is often best to wait until a person has finished school and established a good career before having them. This is particularly true for women, who can suffer from a number of health problems during pregnancy. In addition, women who have children early in their careers can miss out on promotion opportunities and other advancements that might have been available to them if they had waited to have children until they were older.
However, many parents have been able to raise healthy, well-adjusted children despite starting out at very different places in their careers. In the end, it isn’t a matter of whether or not a person is ready to be a parent but rather how they will raise their children.
A common argument against the idea of children’s rights is that it is not fair for children to be able to exercise their autonomy because they lack the wisdom and maturity of adults. This argument has been largely rejected by the world community as evidenced by the fact that most countries have adopted the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the fastest-ratified international treaty in history.
A more sophisticated argument against the idea of children’s rights focuses on the underlying concept of what it means for something to have a right. It is important to note that rights can be either moral or legal. Some may argue that because children are already accorded certain legal rights through the Convention they should be accorded more moral rights.
Finally, some may argue that a distinction between the adult and child is metaphysically necessary and that rights are only attributed to those who have an adequate prospect of developing into an adult with a minimum standard of living that can be sustained throughout childhood (Eekelaar 1986). This approach would acknowledge that children are humans but recognise that they are not yet fully developed, and therefore do not merit the full range of the full set of rights that adults have.