Abandoned children often suffer a mix of severe, lifelong psychological and physical trauma. This trauma is a result of the extreme and sudden loss of a caregiver’s affection, care, nurturing, protection, and guidance that a young child’s emotional needs and developmental goals require to thrive.
In many cases, the abandonment causes the child to experience a range of feelings including sadness and grief. The child may also feel unloved or even hated. The child may also experience guilt and shame, especially if the parent did not have any good reason to abandon the child.
The child may also be confused or angry with the parent for leaving, and this can lead to a number of issues. The child may become depressed or anxious and this can affect the development of other areas in the child’s life.
This may cause a variety of negative effects for the child, including: depression and anxiety; eating disorders; sleeping problems; poor self-esteem; behavioral difficulties; low self-confidence; and an increased risk of suicidal thoughts.
It is important for parents and other adult caregivers to understand the negative impacts of child abandonment and how to help prevent them from happening to their own children. This includes providing them with support and helping them to make decisions that are best for the child’s future.
Some states have laws that make it illegal to leave a child without making arrangements for their safety and wellbeing. These laws can be difficult to navigate.
For example, in Washington state, a person can be charged with abandonment if they intentionally fail to provide for the health and welfare of a child. This could include failing to provide food, medical care or any other necessary needs.
When a person is accused of abandoning a child, it’s a serious crime that can be punishable by fines, jail time and/or other penalties. This can be a stressful and scary time for the child and their family.
The child may develop a variety of coping skills in order to deal with this trauma. They can try to hide their feelings, avoid people or places that remind them of the trauma, and seek help from others.
They can also develop an addiction to drugs or alcohol, which can be another symptom of this type of abuse. This can be difficult for the child to deal with and can make it harder for them to overcome this type of abuse.
Abandoned children can sometimes be placed for adoption by their biological parents, but this process may take some time. This is especially true if the parent is struggling with mental illness, which can make it difficult to raise a child.
In these cases, the child will be sent to a foster home until permanent adoptive parents can be found. This can be a difficult process and will require a lot of time and money to complete, so it is important that you are prepared for this.
Aside from the fact that abandoned children are a huge problem, they can be extremely vulnerable to illness and injury. This is because they have been traumatized and cannot fight back as effectively as other children. They are also at a higher risk for developing health conditions such as cancer and heart disease.