Across the world, millions of children are abandoned by their parents. The United Nations estimates that 60 million children are left without parents worldwide, with an average of 7,000 children per year in the United States. Although neglect has a disproportionately high number of cases in developing countries, it is a pressing issue in the U.S., where it has been associated with significant negative social, behavioral, and cognitive consequences.
While abandoned-baby laws are a good start in some cases, they do not address the underlying causes of unwanted children. Specifically, they do not protect the babies, which are most vulnerable to neglect and abuse. In many cases, parents who abandon a baby can be prosecuted for child endangerment, child abuse, or even murder if the child is found dead. In addition, the parents are unlikely to receive social approval for the decision. Because of this lack of formal protection, parents may secretly abandon a baby.
Children abandoned by their parents often experience severe feelings of rejection, sadness, and anxiety. They may believe that people do not value them, feel that they are unworthy of love, and feel angry or ashamed. They may also develop eating disorders, addictions, and other symptoms of emotional neglect and abuse. Even if the child was not abused by their parents, abandonment can cause severe mental and emotional problems for a child.
In the 1970s, the issue of child abandonment came into public consciousness. Women were granted physical custody of their children and the fathers received visitation rights. The law also made fathers financially responsible for children born unwed. Unfortunately, many men chose to ignore this responsibility, and women often had to seek government help to support their families.
Adoption agencies can help pregnant women who choose to adopt. Some of these women place a baby for adoption even while she is in the hospital. This way, she gets to choose the family she wants for her child. There are many advantages to choosing adoption over abandonment. Most adoption agencies are confidential, 100% free, and open twenty-four hours a day.
Although children are often abandoned by their parents, some remain with them. For example, the Mahabharata character Karna does not reconcile with his mother after he dies in a battle with his legitimate son. Other famous examples include Princess Belle-Etoile, where the child was left on a doorstep and adopted by a corsair. This was one of the first literary accounts of child abandonment. There are several books and films that feature stories of children abandoned by their parents.
The Gospel for Asia ministry is an organization that offers a home to abandoned and runaway children. The mission of this organization is to protect children, reunite them with their families, and help them to lead healthy, happy lives. These children deserve our help, and your help can make a difference in their lives.