Children are extremely vulnerable and need protection from various sources. Many countries and individuals have adopted texts that help protect children. After the 1st World War, the Declaration of Geneva was passed, recognizing the rights of children and promoting the protection of children from all kinds of harm. The process continued when the UN took office in 1959.
The rights of children include the right to life, the right to be registered, and the right to be informed of their identity. Each child has the right to access their identity records, including their name, place of birth, and family relations. Furthermore, every child has the right to education, including free primary education and secondary education. In addition, children are entitled to participate in cultural activities and be protected from statelessness.
The United Nations has several agencies that focus on protecting children. The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization is dedicated to education, while the International Labour Organization focuses on child labor. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East focuses on the health and well-being of children. In addition, the World Food Programme supports school feeding programs and health initiatives.
Many children suffer from physical, mental, and social abuse. Approximately 150 million girls and boys are sexually assaulted each year. More than 70 million girls are forced into early marriages. Children are also four times more likely to be victims of physical violence than their peers. In 2015, there were 156 million children who were the victims of violence or abuse. Additionally, more than 73 million children were forced into labor under dangerous conditions. Sadly, one in six children worldwide live in extreme poverty.
Children have the right to join groups and advocate for change. However, they also have the right not to harm others. It is important for adults to take the concerns of children seriously. Children have the right to access information without any censorship, and they should be taught critical thinking skills. Furthermore, governments should make access to information free, and provide information in multiple languages.
In addition to education, children also have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. In countries that have implemented the UNCRC, children are given the right to participate in decision-making processes. The right to participate in decision-making is closely related to a child’s maturity level, and it is crucial for the development of a child.
Children are also entitled to contact with their parents. Whether they are living with a parent in another country or in the same country, they must have regular contact with both of them. In addition, they must be given appropriate support if they need it. They should also have access to their own language and culture. This will ensure that they have an identity that reflects their heritage.
In addition to education, children have the right to a healthy and safe environment. This includes adequate nutrition and medical care. They also have the right to play and be active in recreation. They also have the right to be safe from violence and abuse.