What is a Child?


In our society today, children seem to be trivial. While we see children as a minority, they have evolved over the centuries. In “What is a Child?”, Ken and Tamar Schapiro explore the evolution of the child-parent relationship. They look at how children and adults differ in terms of development, moral status, and relationship between parents and children.

Children should have the right to food, clothing, and a safe place to live. Governments should ensure these basic needs are met. Children also have the right to an education. They should be able to access free primary and secondary education, and eventually a university degree. Schools should promote education that teaches children rights, and school discipline should be based on these rights. Education should also educate children to respect other people and protect the environment.

The biological definition of a child refers to a human being between the developmental stages of infancy and puberty. In addition to the biological definition, the legal definition of a child refers to a person who has not reached the age of majority. They have less rights than adults, but must be under the care of a responsible adult at all times.

It is vital to provide assistance for children with developmental problems as early as possible. Children with developmental delays are often forced to wait until they reach a certain age in order to receive adequate education or social interaction with others. For these children, it is important to work with a qualified professional who can help them overcome any challenges they may be facing.